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Operations configurations

Learn how to set your operations accurately in Autodesk Fusion Operations

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over a month ago

Not all of your operations are the same or done the same way, they may happen in different sections, be performed by one or multiple people or it may be an operation where you need to create a new lot number.

To reflect this, Autodesk Fusion Operations provides you an array of possibilities, every operation can be edited and configured with any of the options below, to fit what happens in your shop floor. You can find these options in the Operations tab by selecting the operation to be edited.

In this article we will explain all about what these configurations do and how they affect your use of Autodesk Fusion Operations.

- Allow to input lot number: Allow you to input a lot number, or have it be input automatically for the product after this operation is completed. It may also be a serial number in case the product is set as serializable (you can define a product as serializable in its page). If you want further information about Lot Traceability, check our article here.

- Optional: Makes this operation optional in the product flow. Operators can skip it and it does not count towards Production Order completion.

Note: The last operation on a product cannot be optional since the last one is required for Production Order completion and stock generation

- Recovery: Allows an operation (normally a recovery operation) to be performed at any point in the product flow, instead of in a predetermined order. It also does not count towards Production Order completion.

In the product operations' flow, it looks like this:

Note: you can only configure an operation as ‘Recovery’ in the moment you are creating it - you won’t be able to do it afterward.

- No time record: Time will not be recorded for this operation. Operations with this setting will not have their productivity calculated and will automatically finish when you insert production.

- No quantity record: An operation with this setting activated does not record or ask the operator to input quantity at the end of a production. Operations with this setting will not have their productivity calculated.

This option is used when, for example, you are transforming one already existing product, without generating new inventory.

- Team operation: The "Team Operations" option makes one operation available to be performed by several workers at the same time. It is useful when you can't/don't want or it doesn't make sense to separate the quantity produced per user within the same team or group operation.

This means that the final produced quantity is produced by the team as a whole.

Learn more about ‘Team Operations’ in its specific article, here.

-Multiple products/POs simultaneously: Allows you to perform the same operation at the same time for multiple products and POs. All operations with this option:

(i) must be attached to the same machines,

(ii) cannot be "no quantity record" or "no time record".

You can read more about ‘Multiple Products/Production Orders Simultaneously’ here.

- Prepare Batch Order: Allows you to create Batch Orders at the end of this operation. We have an article explaining how to prepare Batch Orders here.

- Quantity at checkin: Asks the operator for the quantity produced when he is starting to insert production, instead of asking when he is finishing production.

- Input Recovery Serial Number: Allows the operator to input the serial number which has been worked on after a recovery operation.

You can also attach labels to be printed when this operation is complete, work instructions, wastes, machines, parameters and checklists to an operation and assign the operation to a section.

In the operation page, you can also define:

- Lead time (days): The number of days an operation takes from start to finish, this is considered for scheduling purposes. For example, when the lead time in an operation is filled it will be considered instead of the operation cycle time x Quantity ordered. This means that when the "magic wand" is used on the Production Order/Job screen, the duration considered for an operation will be the lead time. This means that the lead time is used directly and doesn't depend on the quantity ordered. If you want to know more details check this article.

- No. of times per product: Number of times this operation must be performed to be considered finished. It allows you to have a quantity multiplier within the operation.For example: one production order is for 50 units, but this particular operation needs to be performed for 150 units. Therefore, this field should be set to 3.

- Maximum waste allowed (%): Maximum percentage of waste in the quantity finished that is allowed for this operation, an alert can then be set, which is sent out when a production exceeds this waste percentage.

- Unit of Measurement: Unit of measurement for the operation. It will be displayed on the production checkout, when asking the worker for the quantity produced.

Moreover, at the end of the operation edit page, you can find a ‘Times’ separator, where you will be able to define time changes, finding the following fields to do so:

- Valid since: Start date for the time change to take place.

- Cycle time: Ideal time in which the operation is complete for the quantity ratio defined. Cycle time is used to calculate productivity.

- Customer time: Time that you budgeted in case your company is performing a subcontracted operation. This is the time that you agree with your client.

- Quantity ratio: How many units you produce in the cycle time defined, so you don't have to divide the cycle time by the number of units produced in that time.

If you want to change the order of the operation flow check this article.

If you need any help or clarification setting any of these up, feel free to reach out to us through our Live Chat feature.

Need help? Request a Fusion Operations expert to contact you here.

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