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How to create a Work Instruction

Learn how to create a Work Instruction and how it can help you

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over a week ago

In Autodesk Fusion Operations, a Work Instruction describes in detail how to perform a task within a process, containing a step-by-step tutorial that will guide your workers throughout their job. It allows you to create a step by step tutorial to ensure your workers understand the exact operational procedure you require them to follow.

Our new Work Instructions feature will help you explain to your team how to carry out every procedure, empowering them to perform at their best on the first attempt.

How to create a new Work Instruction

1. From your Dashboard, click on the Work Instructions link in the left panel menu.

2. Click on "+Add Work Instruction."

3. The "Create Work Instruction" section allows you to label a work instruction and identify the specific step(s) associated with this work instruction.

In the upper Code box, label your new Work Instruction for easy identification. For example: “Step A – Product AF.”

Next, in the Cover section, check the operation(s) to be shown on the cover of this work instruction.

To begin, click on "+Add step".

4. Fill the Name field and write the description of the new step. You can also upload a file with the step description or a complementary picture.

… or you can provide step by step directions using the built-in text editor. Simply Click +Add Step to add additional steps and follow the same data entry process. At any time during this process, you may click SAVE to save your entries to the system.

NOTE: It is recommended that you SAVE your entries periodically during the data entry process.

How to use a Work Instruction

Work Instructions are associated with operations. Whenever you start a new operation, you will have the chance to associate Work Instructions with that new operation. Additionally, you will be able to review and edit the Work Instruction associated with an operation at any time.

To assign a Work Instructions to an operation, click on the Operations link the in the left panel menu. To quickly find an operation, use the Filters fields. Click Edit next to the operation.

Next you will associate a Work Instruction with the operation. From the Work Instructions drop down, select the Work Instruction you want to associate with this operation. Now your worker can start a new operation. Your worker can easily review the Work Instruction by clicking the Work Instruction button on his/her tablet (see image below).

How to Access Work Instructions from Your Tablet

By clicking the Work Instructions button on the tablet, your worker will be able to search for a product and view all the work instructions related to him/her. Additionally, for an ongoing operation, your worker can specifically choose that operation and see the work-related instructions.

They will be able to search for a product to see all the assigned Work Instructions. If they have an ongoing operation, they can also see the designated Work Instructions.

How to view 3D Models from Fusion in Work Instructions?

If you have Imported Products with 3D Models, you can view them through the Work Instructions in Fusion Operations.

When creating a Work Instruction for a Product imported from Fusion, you can add a step with the cover "Viewer". Fill in the step name and Save.

Add this Work Instruction to an operation in the Product that was imported from Fusion and when checking that Work Instruction in the mobile application you will be able to view and interact with the 3D Model for this product.

You can see a screenshot below with a 3D Model from Fusion.

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