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Rework best practices

Look into the approaches we recommend to handle rework in Autodesk Fusion Operations.

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over 2 months ago

Rework stands for the process of correcting a product that doesn’t meet the established requirements. This process allows you to keep selling your goods, providing a profit margin for a production that otherwise would be rejected.

Therefore, tracking the time spent in rework may become a critical indicator for your business. This article details our advice about how Autodesk Fusion Operations allows you to track rework time accurately.

1. Creating recoverable wastes

The first step consists of creating wastes that must have the “recoverable” flag active. You can see how to create wastes and associate them to production here.

2. Recording wastes during production

Let’s now consider a real case scenario. A production order for 50 units of Chocolate Cake was created. The product goes through 3 operations: MIXING, BAKING, and PACKING. There are only two waste reason codes, both linked to the BAKING operation: “NOT RECOV”, and “RECOV”, which are not recoverable and recoverable, respectively.

After MIXING 50 units, the worker is recording production for the BAKING operation. At this moment, the wastes are prompted during checkout, as you can see on the image below.

Let’s consider that the worker has entered 15 units for “RECOV”, 5 for “NOT RECOV”, and 30 OK units.

3. Impacts on the quantities to be produced on the tablet

In this step, the system can behave in two different ways: there’s a flexible and restrictive approach, which can be set by your account manager. In this article, we’ll be detailing the flexible approach, which is active by default.

The flexible approach models recoverable wastes by adding quantities to be made on the previous operations. Take a look below:

The quantity asked for MIXING is 65: 50 units were made at the start plus the 15 “RECOV” that need to be reworked from the BAKING operation. Therefore, you have 15 to go.

The quantity asked for BAKING is 20: 30 OK units were recorded, and therefore you still have 20 units to be produced to match the amount requested on the PO.

(Tip: if you define the waste “NOT RECOV” as out of the flow, the quantity to be performed will be 45, and you’ll have 15 units to go.)

4. Recording rework processes

Recording rework time requires using the rework tablet button, which will flag the production records as “rework.” You can check the article about the rework tablet button here.

Therefore, the following step involves recording the MIXING operation for 15 units using the rework button. The production record will show a symbol indicating the rework.

5. Reports & rework time tracking

After recording the rework, the last step is having insights on time spent on rework on the shop floor. Good sources of information are:

  • 5.1 Production records report, filtered only by rework. You can check more details about this report here.

This report will provide valuable insights into rework metrics, such as total rework time, total rework products, and total rework quantity.

  • 5.2 Worker labor time report, with the option “Show rework time” active. You can further explore this report here.

The generated report will contain a column with the total rework time per worker.

We hope this information helps you to track the time your company spends on rework :)

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