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Rework Button

Learn how to use the ‘Rework’ tablet button with this quick guide.

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Rework stands for the process of correcting a product that doesn’t meet the established requirements.

Before using the ‘Rework’ button, we suggest you check our ‘Rework best practices’ article to understand this feature entirely and use Autodesk Fusion Operations to keep track of rework time in the most accurate manner possible.

The example used in that article will also be used in this one, for explanation purposes. For now, what you need to know is:

  • The worker entered 15 units for “RECOV”, 5 for “NOT RECOV, and 30 OK units in BAKING operation.

‘Rework’ button usage is not very different from the ‘Insert Production’ one, nevertheless, we created a step-by-step to help you to learn how you can use this button:

1. On the tablet’s main screen, click ‘Rework’

2. You’ll be asked which ‘order’, ‘product’, and ‘operation’ you’ll be working on:

Note: As mentioned in ‘Rework best practices’, if you define the waste “NOT RECOV” as out of the flow, the quantity to be performed will be 45, and you’ll have 15 units to go (as shown below):

The quantity asked for BAKING is 20: 30 OK units were recorded, and therefore you still have 20 units to be produced to match the amount asked on the Production Order.

3. After selecting the rework options mentioned above, you’ll be back on the starting screen: the system started the clock for that production.

4. When the operation that you started to carry out is finished, you will get back to the starting screen and you will need to click ‘Rework’ again. You’ll be asked to insert the quantity produced.

5. A rework operation can also produce waste, so you’ll be asked if you want to submit waste.

6. After submitting waste or ‘Confirm’ your operation as is, you will be asked to confirm the details of your operation: production order, product, operation, and quantity. After doing so, you’re able to ‘Confirm and Print Barcode’ or just ‘Submit’.

7. You’re done! You have successfully inserted rework production.

If you are still not sure about how the ‘Rework’ button works, don’t hesitate to contact us through our Live-Chat feature or directly to your account manager.

Need help? Request a Fusion Operations expert to contact you here.

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