In Autodesk Fusion Operations label generator you're presented with a series of tag options for operations and inventory movements. In this article we will check in detail each of them, and what they do when added to a label.
For clarification, the label generator allows you to create several labels for different situations: a label that identifies all aspects of a production order which you can add to the product or product box, identifying it in all phases of the process. You can also print labels when receiving and moving internally your materials.
Tags under Operation
Production related
PRODUCTION DATE AND TIME: [production.dateAndTime]
PRODUCT CODE:[product.code];
WORKER NAME: [worker]
MACHINE CODE: [machine.code];
COMPONENT: [production.component]
Presents the machine component associated to the record. If you want to know more about this topic, you can find more details in this article.
Presents the code of the next operation in a production flow.
PRODUCTION QUANTITY: [production.quantity]
Presents the quantity produced in a specific record.
PRODUCTION QUANTITY NOK: [production.quantityNOK]
Presents the total waste produced in a specific record.
If printed in the production record, it presents the quantity produced (OK+NOK) for a specific record, if the NOK quantity is a waste with the option "can send to client" selected.
If printed in a PO, all quantities NOK "can send to client" registered in the several records will be summed as well as the quantity OK produced in the last operation of the flow.
PRODUCTION BOX NR.: [production.boxNumbers]
It presents the box(es) number(s) for which the production was carried out in that specific record. If you want to know more about this topic, please read this article.
RECOVERABLE WASTE: [productionOrder.recoverableWaste]
Identifies the different amounts of recoverable wastes registered in the production order per waste code.
Presents the quantity of the different waste codes that were registered in the production record, given the waste attribute selected in the waste settings (instead of a specific attribute, you can write "ALL" on the attribute field).
In the image below, you can check the different type of attributes the waste codes can have and the way the label tag should be built in order to present the correct information. If you want to know more about waste codes, read this article.
If the following image, there is an example of a printed label with the tag [production.wastesWithAttribute=all]. Two and four units of the wastes "Billable Waste" and "Recoverable Waste" respectively, were registered in the production record.
CONSUMPTION: [production.consumption]
Presents the product code, quantity and lot of the product that was consumed in the production record. In the example below, in the production record where the label was printed, the products Paint 04 and Varnish 89 were consumed in a quantity of 1 and 5 from the lots LL2022-12 and LO2023-01, respectively.
PRODUCTION ORDERS PARAMETERS: [productionOrder.parameter=name]
LOT EXPIRATION DATE: [lot.expirationDate]
LOT/BATCH NUMBER: [production.lot]
Displays the Lot or Batch number entered during production. If serial numbers are used instead, the current tag will present those.
PARAMETER: [parameter=name]
Production Order related
PRODUCTION ORDER CODE:[productionOrder.code]
PRODUCTION ORDER DESCRIPTION: [productionOrder.description]
PRODUCTION ORDER QUANTITY ORDERED: [productionOrder.quantityOrdered]
It indicates the total quantity of ordered products. If there is more than one product ordered in the production order, it displays the sum of the quantities of all the products.
QUANTITY PRODUCED: [productionOrder.quantityProduced]
It indicates the total quantity of produced products. If there is more than one product ordered in the production order, it displays the sum of the quantities of all products.
PRODUCTION ORDER BOX QUANTITY: [productionOrder.boxQuantity]
Displays the value of the Box Quantity field identified in the production order. If you want to know more about this topic, please read this article.
PRODUCTION ORDER DUE DATE: [productionOrder.dueDate]
PRODUCTION ORDER NOTES: [productionOrder.notes]
PREDICTED DURATION: [productionOrder.estimatedTime]
Displays the sum of the operations standard time multiplied by the quantity ordered. If printed via production order menu, there will be created as many labels as products ordered for production. In the header sheet, corresponds to the field "Estimated production Time".
PRODUCTION ORDER OBSERVATIONS: [productionOrder.product.observations]
Displays the observations added to each product on the production order.
PRODUCT PARAMETER: [product.spec=name]
PRODUCT NOTES: [product.notes]
PRODUCT BOX QUANTITY: [product.boxQuantity]
Displays the value of the Box Quantity field identified in the product. If you want to know more about this topic, please read this article.
PRODUCT QUANTITY ORDERED: [product.quantityOrdered]
Displays the number of ordered products in the production order. If printed via production order menu, there will be created as many labels as products ordered for production, each one containing the quantity ordered for production.
Sales Order related
SALES ORDER CODE: [clientOrder.code]
BILLING ADDRESS CODE: [clientOrder.billingAddress.code]
BILLING ADDRESS ADDRESS DETAILS: [clientOrder.billingAddress.address]
BILLING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE: [clientOrder.billingAddress.postCode]
BILLING ADDRESS STATE: [clientOrder.billingAddress.state]
CLIENT CODE: [clientOrder.clientCode]
CLIENT NAME: [clientOrder.clientName]
CLIENT ADDRESS: [clientOrder.clientAddress]
It presents the clients' default address
SHIPPING CODE: [shipping.code]
DELIVERY ADDRESS CODE: [shipping.deliveryAddress.code]
DELIVERY ADDRESS ADDRESS DETAILS: [shipping.deliveryAddress.address]
DELIVERY ADDRESS POSTAL CODE: [shipping.deliveryAddress.postCode]
DELIVERY ADDRESS STATE: [shipping.deliveryAddress.state]
DELIVERY ADDRESS: [clientOrder.deliveryAddress]
FROM ADDRESS: [clientOrder.fromAddress]
It presents the account address from where the shipping is going to be sent. If you need help on defining this address, please contact the support team.
OBSERVATIONS: [clientOrder.observations]
SALES ORDER PARAMETER: [salesOrder.parameter=PARAM]
It presents the value of the sales order custom field. If you need help on how to add custom fields to your sales orders, please contact the support team. In the tag, where the word "name" is presented, the name of the parameter should be inserted. In the example below, the custom field name is "Urgency".
BARCODE PRODUCT PARAMETER: [universalBarcode.product.spec=name]
BARCODE PRODUCTION ORDER. [barcode.productionOrder]
Refers to an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations barcode, containing a unique identifier of the production order.
BARCODE SHIPPING: [barcode.shipping]
Refers to an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations barcode, containing a unique identifier of the shipping.
BARCODE PRODUCTION ORDER/PRODUCT: [barcode.productionOrder.product]
Refers to an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations barcode identifying the product in the production order. If printed via production order menu, there will be created as many labels as products ordered for production.
BARCODE PRODUCT: [barcode.product]
Refers to an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations barcode, containing a unique identifier of the product.
BARCODE PRODUCT AND LOT: [barcode.product.lot]
Refers to an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations barcode, containing a unique identifier of the product and lot, that can be read on the consumptions screen. If you'd like to use this feature, contact the support team
BARCODE PARAMETER: [universalBarcode.parameter=param]
Presents an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations barcode regarding the next operation of the production flow. For example, the product has to go through the operations of cutting, assembling and packaging. If printed in the production record regarding the cutting operation, the barcode of the assembling operation will be generated.
BARCODE PRODUCT CODE: [universalBarcode.productCode]
Refers to the external barcode of the product, that can be recognized in other systems.
BARCODE LOT/BATCH NUMBER: [universalBarcode.lot]
Refers to the external barcode of the lot, that can be recognized in other systems.
BARCODE QUANTITY: [universalBarcode.quantity]
Presents a universal barcode with the quantity registered in the production record.
BARCODE PRODUCTION ORDER QUANTITY ORDERED:[universalBarcode.productionOrder.quantityOrdered]
Presents a universal barcode corresponding to the total amount of ordered products. If two or more products are ordered, the sum of all of them is presented. It must be printed in the production record.
BARCODE PRODUCT QUANTITY ORDERED: [universalBarcode.product.quantityOrdered]
Presents a universal barcode corresponding to the amount of ordered units of the product identified in the production record. It must be printed in the production record.
BARCODE PRODUCTION INFO: [barcode.productionOrder.product.lot]
Presents an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations barcode of the product lot ordered in the corresponding production order. The barcode must be generated in the production record.
QR Codes
PRODUCT PARAMETER QR CODE: [qrCode.product.spec=name]
It presents the QR referent to the product's custom field.
In the tag, where the word "name" is presented, the name of the parameter should be inserted. In the example below, the custom field parameter name is "Pack Quantity ".
The label will be presented as follows:
PRODUCTION ORDER QR CODE: [qrCode.productionOrder]
It refers to the QR code associated with that specific production order code.
SHIPPING QR CODE: [qrCode.shipping]:
It refers to the QR code associated with that specific shipping code.
PRODUCTION ORDER/PRODUCT QR CODE: [qrCode.productionOrder.product]
Refers to an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations QR code, containing a unique identifier of the product and production order.
PRODUCT QR CODE: [qrCode.product]
It refers to the QR code associated with that specific product code.
PRODUCT AND LOT QR CODE: [qrCode.product.lot]:
Refers to an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations QR code, containing a unique identifier of the product and lot, that can be read on the consumptions screen. If you'd like to use this feature, contact the support team.
Presents the QR code of the next operation in a production flow. For example, the product has to go through the operations of cutting, assembling and packaging. If printed in the production record regarding the cutting operation, the QR code of the assembling operation will be generated.
PARAMETER QR CODE: [qrCode.parameter=param]
PRODUCT CODE QR CODE: [qrCode.productCode]
Refers to the external QR code of the product code, that can be recognized in other systems.
Refers to the external QR code of the lot, that can be recognized in other systems.
QUANTITY QR CODE: [qrCode.quantity]:
Presents a universal QR code with the quantity registered in the production record.
WORKER QR CODE: [qrCode.worker]:
Presents an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations QR code of the worker identified in the record.
MACHINE QR CODE: [qrCode.machine]:
Presents an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations QR code of the machine identified in the record.
SALES ORDER QR CODE [qrCode.salesOrder]:
Presents an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations QR code of the Sales Order identified in the "shipping" field of the production order.
PRODUCTION ORDER QUANTITY ORDERED QR CODE [qrCode.productionOrder.quantityOrdered]
Presents a universal QR code corresponding to the total amount of ordered products. If two or more products are ordered, the sum of all of them is presented. It must be printed in the production record.
PRODUCT QUANTITY ORDERED QR CODE: [qrCode.product.quantityOrdered]
Presents a universal QR code corresponding to the amount of ordered units of the product identified in the production record. It must be printed in the production record.
PRODUCTION INFO QR CODE: [qrCode.productionOrder.product.lot]
Presents an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations QR code of the product and lot ordered in the corresponding production order. The QR code must be generated in the production record.
QR code that contains Autodesk Fusion Operations website's landing page.
In case you have a company logo linked to your account, it will be displayed on the label. If you don't have one, you can add it on Settings > General > Logo.
Tag under Inventory Movement
LOT/BATCH NUMBER: [stockMovement.lot]
QUANTITY INVENTORY MOVEMENT: [stockMovement.quantity]
EXPIRATION DATE: [lot.expirationDate]
SUPPLIER LOT: [lot.supplierLot]
WORKER NAME: : [worker]
PRODUCT PARAMETER: [product.spec=name]
PRODUCT NOTES: [product.notes]
BARCODE PRODUCT: [barcode.product]
Refers to an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations barcode, containing a unique identifier of the product.
BARCODE PRODUCT AND LOT: [barcode.product.lot]
Refers to an internal Autodesk Fusion Operations barcode, containing a unique identifier of the product and lot, that can be read on the consumptions screen. If you'd like to use this feature, contact the support team.
BARCODE PRODUCT CODE: [universalBarcode.productCode]
Refers to the external barcode of the product, that can be recognized in other systems.
BARCODE LOT/BATCH NUMBER: [universalBarcode.lot]
Refers to the external barcode of the lot, that can be recognized in other systems.
BARCODE PRODUCT PARAMETER: [universalBarcode.product.spec=name]
PARAMETER: [parameter=name]
QR code that contains Autodesk Fusion Operations website's landing page.
In case you have a company logo linked to your account, it will be displayed on the label. If you don't have one, you can add it on Settings > General > Logo.