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Products with Parameters

Learn how to add parameters to your products

Vânia Lourenço avatar
Written by Vânia Lourenço
Updated over 3 months ago

This feature is used when your factory produces different variations of the same product, allowing that the same operations result in slightly different products.

Let's say your factory produces t-shirts. To produce a t-shirt, your factory workers perform operations that are always the same. However, the t-shirts produced may come in different colors and sizes.

How to add parameters to your products

To represent this in Autodesk Fusion Operations, you create a code ‘T-shirt’ product. Then, you create two Parameters for that product - this means your t-shirt varies in ‘Color’ and ‘Size’.

Learn how to create these Parameters in the article.

Lastly, you can add those parameters to your ‘T-shirt’.

How to define and analyze the product parameters’ values

When creating Production Orders, you can now specify different quantities to be produced for different colors of shirts.

This can also be done when inserting Production Orders in your shopfloor tablet.

When a worker starts Insert Production, he/she will have to choose what type of t-shirt he/she will be producing. When the production is finished, it will have associated with the color in which it was produced.

If you use Inventory in Autodesk Fusion Operations, you will now be able to see the quantities you have of ‘T-shirt’, filtered by its ‘Color’ and ‘Size’.

You can use as many parameters as you want per product.

If you still have some doubts about the product parameters, feel free to reach out in our live-chat feature or directly to your CSM.

Need help? Request a Fusion Operations expert to contact you here.

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