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How to insert a machine into the system?
How to insert a machine into the system?

Learn how to properly set your machines in Fusion Operations

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over 3 months ago

A machine is any tool, instrument, or device that is relevant to perform a specific operation.

Before setting the your operations in Autodesk Fusion Operations, you should create the machines to have the data about their usage and performance.

To create the machine, follow the steps below.

1. From the Main panel, access the Machines panel by pressing 'Machines' in the sidebar.

2. In the Machines panel press '+Add Machine'.

3. Fill in the machine fields and configurations.

Below, the fields and configurations are detailed. Besides the machine code, you can fulfill them or leave them blank.

  • Code: the unique machine identifier (only mandatory field).

  • Name: which purpose is to easily identify the machine.

  • Shift: the set of schedules where the machine is available to work. If you want to know more about shifts, please click here.

  • Vendor: allows to identify the vendor of the machine.

  • Model: allows the identification of the model of the machine.

  • Sections: physical section of the factory in which the machine will be producing. You can investigate sections here.

  • Instructions Manual: After saving the machine, it is possible to add in the tab "Files" a file with all the instructions of the machine. After this, the file will be available to be added in the field "Instructions Manual".

  • Photo: After saving the machine, it is possible to add in the tab "Files" a photograph of the machine. After this, the photo will be available to be added in the field "Photo".

  • Reason Codes: possible reasons that can cause the machine to stop. You can check how to create downtime reason codes here.

  • Counter: The value from which the machine counter will start. A more detailed explanation of this feature is given in the "Use Machine Counter as Quantity" field.

  • Cost/hour: The value assigned to each hour of labor.

  • Notes: Additional information to be added to the machine.

  • Automatic: this machine setting defines if the worker is linked to the machine or not:

    • If inactive, the worker is linked to the machine and thus it's not possible to start additional production without closing the ones that were started.

    • If active, the worker assigned to the machine can start a new production. In other words, activating this box enables the worker to start production in several machines at any time.

  • Production can not be closed by other workers: the production using this machine can only be closed by the worker that started it;

  • Parallel production: defines if production can be started on a machine that is currently producing:

    • if inactive, a machine that is currently producing is not available to start more production.

    • if active, the machine will always be available to start new production records (regardless of being producing at the moment or not).

  • Total cycles input: changes the way wastes are asked on the production checkout:

    • If inactive, the quantity to be entered on checkout must only include OK units produced. The system will afterwards ask about the NOK units and will keep both values with no changes.

    • If active, the quantity to be entered on checkout must be the TOTAL units produced (OK + NOK). The system will afterwards ask about the NOK units, and will automatically calculate the quantity produced = TOTAL - NOK.

  • Use machine counter as quantity measure: Used when the machine has an internal counter that indicates the total quantity produced since the last time it has been reset. For example, the counter has a previous quantity of 5 units.

    • First record of operation A: The counter shows a total of 12 units. Therefore, 12 units should be inserted in the tablet, when inserting production. The record will have a quantity produced of 12-5=7 units.

    • Second record of operation A: The counter shows a total of 25 units produced. Therefore, 25 units should be inserted in the tablet, and the record will have a quantity produced of 25-12=13 units.

Additional fields, such as “Parameters”, and "Components" are not mandatory and, for now, you can leave them blank.

4. Save the machine by pressing the button "Save Machine".

After completing the required fields in the form to create a new machine, “Code” and “Name”, and any additional one you find relevant, press “Save Machine”.

Machine additional fields/options

After saving the machine, a set of tabs and options will appear at the bottom of the page, as it possible to see in the image below:

Schedule: The schedule tab enables altering a machine's shift. This feature is helpful in situations where the machines shift is changeable throughout time. If you want to know more about this topic please click here.

Files: The files tab allows you to associate files to the machine, which can be consulted on the tablet, in the "View Files" button.

Spare Parts/Materials: The spare parts/materials tabs allows you to identify the products that will be used in that specific machine maintenance. If you want to know more about this topic, you can check it in this article.

Maintenance: Lists all the maintenance orders in which that machine is identified. You can find more information on how to create maintenance orders in this article.

By selecting the button "Report", you will be redirected to a Machine worktime report, directly filtered by that specific machine.

It is also possible to disable the machine or to delete it, by pressing the "Disable Machine" and "Delete Machine" buttons, correspondently.

Need help? Request a Fusion Operations expert to contact you here.

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