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How to customize your products
Vânia Lourenço avatar
Written by Vânia Lourenço
Updated over 3 weeks ago

In Autodesk Fusion Operations you can edit your products and customize them.

After creating the product a series of tabs will appear in the bottom of the page, like in the image below.

Product Informations

Lets check in detail what can you do in each one:

  • Operations and production flow: here you can add the operations or associate a process template which transform the raw material into the finished good, check this article with the steps. The operations can also be added upon product creation through the importer, learn more here.

  • Materials/SubProducts: where you can add your Bill of materials, this allows you to set consumptions in the system. This way the consumption of raw materials and intermediary products is recorded automatically, to know more check this article.

  • Info: check here information about the product, such as StandardTime.

  • Notes: you can add notes about the product, this notes will be available to add to your labels and can be consulted anytime in the the product page.

  • Files: here you can add product related files. To add files just drop them in the box or click and select. It's very important that before any other action to 'Save product'.

Files can be displayed in the mobile app for an easy access. To do so, make sure the option "Show on tablet" is active (see image below).

  • Specs sheets: in this tab you can select one of the previous uploaded files (in the file tab) to be in the header sheet next to your product (only images are supported).

    Select it and then click 'Save product'.

Spec sheets can be seen on the header sheet (see example below), product spec sheet, and tablet worker screen.

  • Units of measurement: after creating your units of measurement and conversions you can add them to your products in this tab, in 'Standard UoM' or 'UoM conversion groups'. In this tab you can also add the 'Unit weight' which is the weight of the product itself and respective unit of measurement under 'UoM weight'. To know more about the uses of the UoMs check this article.

  • Suppliers: you can also associate your products to a specific Supplier(s), learn how to here.

More Actions: How to Disable, Activate and Duplicate products

It is also possible to disable or duplicate your product after it is created.

Disable and activate a product

To disable a product, open its editing page and go to its bottom. Then, select 'More actions' and click 'Disable product'.

After disabling a product it will not appear in the normal list of products. To find the disabled products use the table filter "Show disabled", in the Products menu.

If you want to Enable the product do the reverse process. Find the product and edit it, then go to 'More actions' and select 'Activate product'.

Duplicate a product

To duplicate a product, repeat the steps above but select the option "Duplicate". When duplicating a product, a pop-up window will appear to insert the code and name of the duplicated product. This new duplicated product is an exact copy of the original in terms of operations, family, etc. except for the code and files.

If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support channels or your account manager.

Need help? Request a Fusion Operations expert to contact you here.

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