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How to import several BoMs?

Check how to set in bulk the consumptions for your products

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over 3 months ago

The Bill of Materials (BoM) feature can be checked in detail in this article, where you can understand how to set it for consumables inventory tracking.

However, later on, it becomes important to import this information in a faster manner. In this article, you’ll learn how to speed up the process in Autodesk Fusion Operations via an Excel importer.

Excel template

The first part requires understanding how the Excel columns are organized. You can download the template here:

The downloaded file will contain 8 column:

  • Product Code: product that is being produced,

  • Operation Code: operation in which the consumption takes place,

  • Consumed Product Code: code for the product being consumed,

  • Quantity: quantity of the consumed product code consumed (column C) per unit of product produced (column A). Decimal quantities should be denoted with a dot “.”.

  • If you have the Dynamic BoM feature enabled, you can set consumptions for specific product parameters in through the importer in column G, the format should be "Parametercode1:answer1,Parametercode2:answer2" (e.g. Color:Green,Size:L)

  • Fixed Quantity: If you want all consumptions for this product to be made with the same quantity, regardless of produced quantity, you can types "Yes" into this field to set the fixed quantity for the consumption.

How to upload BoMs/Consumptions

The second step requires (1) opening the products page, on the left side of the screen, and afterwards (2) tap “Import”, on the top-right corner of the screen.

Here, you should tap on the second option, “Import Consumptions”.

You should afterwards click (1) to select the file (or drag it to that area). After selecting the corresponding file, tap "Start to Send".

Prior to the import, take a look at the result to spot errors on the import (for example, in case neither the products or the operation exist). You can rework your Excel and try again, or ignore the error lines (1, on the column at the right). When you’re sure about the data entered, tap (2) “Confirm”.


1. If a consumption is duplicated in the Excel import, how does the importer behave?

If a line is repeated, the system sums the quantities on the repeated lines. Take a look below. Importing the following Excel lines:

Results on this BoM:

2. How can I bulk edit or delete existing bill of materials?

It is not possible to directly bulk edit the consumptions on the bill of materials, since the error "Sub-Product already exists!" will be returned.

You should instead type the text [delete] on the quantity cell (column D), which will remove the consumption, and then use the importer again with the new quantities.

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