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Configurable Products Import

Learn how to customize your Products import and save your time!

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over a week ago

Autodesk Fusion Operations allows you to customize the mapping of how each column is uploaded into Fusion Operations, by defining how the Products Import will read your excel files.

This means that if you have an export from other systems, you can create a template to read it in Autodesk Fusion Operations and re-use it whenever you need to, without having to adjust the Excel/.csv columns and formatting the data to Fusion Operations.

Let's assume we have the export available on image below. We'll instruct the importer to map column A-G to a specific entity in Fusion Operations.

1. To start, go to (1) Products -> (2) Import -> (3) Manage Imports

2. In this page you can manage already created imports, or add new ones. Click "+Add import" to create your first custom import.

3. Choose the file you want to import. The name will be automatically populated with the file name, but you can edit it. You can also decide to ignore header lines. Afterwards, click "Upload Sample File".

4. On the following page, Autodesk Fusion Operations will read your import file, let you know what’s written in the headers and give you sample data of the content in the initial cells for each of these columns.

Here, you can map the Excel columns to any field available. For example, in the image below column A is being mapped as the product code, B is the operation code, and so on until column G, which is mapped as the product family.

5. Click Save Import. Afterwards, you will see the option to (1) import the recently created import in the products list. You can also edit any existing mapping on the option (2) "⚙️ Manage imports".

To map one column to several pieces of information
In case you'd like to map one column to several fields, you can click on “+Add field” on the Field Setup column.

In the case below, we can map the Operation column to populate both the Operation - Code and Operation - Name.

Map fixed fields that are not in your import
After mapping the relevant columns, you can also click "+Add field mapping" (in the bottom of the page).

This field is particularly relevant in case you want to add information that is constant and it's not available in the Excel file. For example, the quantity ratio is a mandatory field for operations. Since column C contains the time per unit, the quantity ratio is always 1.

To do this, select (1) the quantity ratio option, and (2) click 'Add conversion'.

In the 'Add Conversion' option, select the option "Set fixed value" and type "1" on the fixed value box.

You can follow the same approach to assign, for example, a lead time or unit of measurement to the product.


As mentioned before, when mapping fields you can add custom conversions. These will change how Fusion Operations reads and imports the information from your file into Fusion Operations.

There are several different types of custom conversions that can be set up, here is what they do:

Set prefix : Set a prefix on all values being imported for this column.

Set suffix : Set a suffix on all values being imported for this column.

Set date and time format : Allows Fusion Operations to know what date and time format is being used in your fields (dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy - hh:mm, for example)

Find and Replace : Allows you to replace a string of text with another every time the import is read.

Remove leading zeros : Removes zeros from the left side of any number that is read from this column.

Set fixed value : This replaces any value that is on the chosen column with what you input in this conversion.

If you still have some doubts about the ‘Configurable Products Import’, feel free to reach out in our live-chat feature or directly to your CSM.

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