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How to create a worker?
Vânia Lourenço avatar
Written by Vânia Lourenço
Updated over a week ago

Every worker who performs activities related to production or inventory management must be included in Autodesk Fusion Operations.

That will make the system aware of the workers who are available to assume several production assignments while giving it the opportunity to check different reports and data on an individual basis.

Create a Worker

To create a worker in your account, follow the steps below:

1. From the Main panel, access the Workers panel by clicking "Workers" on the sidebar.

2. In the Workers panel press “+Add Worker”.

3. In the insert worker’s form, you must complete the following fields:

  • Number: the number that identifies each worker;

  • Name: the worker’s name – for clarity’s sake, the name should be as complete as possible, to avoid misunderstandings about who is who.

  • Shift: Choose the shift during which the employee can work.
    Note: Autodesk Fusion Operations has a default shift, to create different shifts, go to Workers - Shifts and create a new one which you can assign to workers.

Advanced Fields

  • NFC/RFID/SMARTCARD/BARCODE for Login: The code that is associated to the worker's card. It will enable the worker to identify him/herself using a card. If you want to know more about this topic, please click here.

  • Cost/Hour: The value assigned to each hour of labor.

  • Language: The language that will be displayed once the worker identifies him/herself in the tablet.

  • Sections: The section which the worker belongs to. If you want to know more about this topic, please click here.

4. After completing the insert worker form’s required fields, “Number”, “Name”, and “Shift”, and additional information if needed, click on “Save Worker”.

Now that you already know how to insert workers in Autodesk Fusion Operations, you can check their status (working, downtime, with no records today, and idle) in this link. Moreover, the worker is empowered with the worker screen to see his status and what was done over the last 24 hours.

After saving the worker, a set of tabs will appear on the bottom of the page, as it possible to see in the image below:

Let's check in detail what you can do in each one:

  • Schedule

The schedule tab enables altering a worker's shift. This feature is helpful in situations where the workers shift is changeable throughout the time. If you want to know more this topic please click here.

  • Skills

The skills tab represent the competences each workers has, in order do specify to which operations he has access to. If you want to know more about how to set up skills please click here.

  • Worker Groups

In the Worker Groups tab it is possible to see to which workers groups has the worker been associated. If you want to know more about how to create worker groups please click here.

On the bottom of the page, after saving a worker, additional options are presented :

  • Disable Worker: The worker will become unavailable to preform any action in the system or to be associated to any new entity (such as production orders and production records). However, all the worker's data remains untouchable and he/she can be enabled any time.

  • Enable Worker: This option is only available for disabled workers. It allows the worker to become enabled again.

  • Delete Worker: This action deletes the worker from the system. Note ⚠️: Workers can only be deleted when all entities they belong to (such production records, inventory movements and punch clock records) have been deleted.

Disable a Worker

To disable a worker on your account, follow the steps below:

1. From the Main panel, access the Workers panel by clicking "Workers" on the sidebar.

2. Search for the worker you're trying to disable (A). You can use the search bar for assistance. Once located, click on the "Edit" button to access that worker's page (B).

3. On the bottom of the worker's page, select the button "Disable Worker".

Beware that if this button is not visible to you, it means you do not have the necessary permissions to execute this action. Please reach out to an admin to carry out this task.

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