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Getting Started 3

Track the status of your jobs.

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Dashboard and Indicators

Viewing the Dashboard, if a Worker has used the mobile app to set an operation as in progress, this will be shown in the Working field, which will be displayed in green with the number of workers currently active.

If no operations have yet been set as completed then the OEE, which stands for Overall Equipment Effectiveness, and Productivity indicators on your dashboard will still be showing as blank.

The OEE value is comprised of the other three indicators, and quantifies how far a factory is from its optimal performance. The other three indicators are; Productivity, which is the percentage of time that each work centre - which means worker, machine or operation - has worked compared to the optimal value it is designed to.

There is Availability, which represents the percentage of time that a piece of equipment ran for compared to how long was scheduled. And there is Quality, which is the percentage of the good units produced out of the total completed.

These indicators will not all show a value until an operation has been input as completed.

To do this, open the mobile-app and again go to Insert Production.

After entering the Worker ID, rather than being presented with the list of Production Orders like before, if a worker has started production on an operation they will now instead be asked to enter the quantity which they have produced.

Enter this number and confirm the input is for the correct product and operation, and this production will be inserted, with a message confirming the data submission and displaying the productivity level for that production.

Now the Dashboard will update to reflect this production being completed, you will see that the Productivity and OEE indicators will now show values, and the Availability and Quality indicators may update also. In the top-left of the Dashboard is the Feeds section, where a message will appear to log this event.

This Feeds area will show the latest activities which have been inserted through the mobile app, time stamped with the name of workers so that you can view up-to-date information of who’s worked on what.

Towards the bottom of the dashboard, you can also see information on the Latest, Ongoing and Finished production orders.

Production Order Status

As well as viewing the status of Production Orders from the Dashboard, you can also see this on the Production Orders page itself. In here, with a Production Order started you will see two progress bars.

The larger one is the Performed Operations Progress, which represents the percentage of mandatory operations completed in the Production Order. The smaller bar is the Units Finished, which represents the percentage of ordered products which have had all operations completed on them.

These progress bars are also colour coded; green indicates a Production Order is completed, blue indicates it has not been completed but the due date has not yet been reached, and red indicates it has not been completed and that the due date is already in the past.


Another method for viewing information on completed work is with the Reports, accessed from Reports in the side menu.

At the top of the screen, you can select which type of report you want to create. By default, this will be on Productions which will list all Production Records, which are the completed operations. You can also select to create a Production Order report, and many other types.

Each report is based on a given timespan which can be defined towards the top. You can also then choose to apply further filters from the list.

Once you have set your options select Generate Report at the bottom of the page, and a new window will open with your chosen report. We will have a closer look at how to interpret these reports in a later video, but you can see that data is provided on a number of criteria. As well as viewing this information within Fusion Operations you can export the report in an Excel or PDF format, from the top-left of the Reports page.

This concludes the Getting Started section of this video series.

We have had a quick tour of the Fusion Operations management interface, seen what the initial items are which must be set up, and how to track the progress of production once these items have been defined and are being used by workers through the mobile app.

You should now have enough basic information to get started, but there is a lot more to cover to get a full understanding of Fusion Operations.

In the rest of the videos, we will have a closer look at exactly how to create the items we have already seen, as well as other optional items, and how to work with some of the more advanced features of the product.

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