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Operation Status Dashboard
Elisa Soares Rosa avatar
Written by Elisa Soares Rosa
Updated over 3 months ago

In the Operations Status screen, it's possible to have a live overview of factory operations. As such, it's possible to know in real time the ongoing operations, the number of workers currently working on each operation, how many units have already been produced, and how many are still pending production.

To access the Operations Status please go to Operations (1) and select the status tab (2).

Every operation with open records or closed records in the last hour will be displayed in the tiles above.

The gray tiles correspond to the closed records in the last hour.

The green tiles correspond to the operations that have ongoing records.

The information presented on the different tiles is detailed below:

1. Product Code

2. Operation Code

3. Quantity produced so far throughout the multiple records of the operation

4. Number of Machines being used in the operation

5. Number of production orders where the operation is being performed

6. Number of workers running the operations

7. Quantities that still need to be completed on the operation (taken into consideration the sum of ordered quantities)

You have the option to filter by sections to display only the operations from the selected section.

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