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Production Orders’ Report

Generate and read a Production Orders’ Report

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over 3 weeks ago

You can quickly generate and download the information you need about your production orders. To access this data, follow the following steps:

Generating the report

1. Go to Reports menu

Click in ‘Reports’, on the left side of the screen, and then in ‘Production Orders’.

2. Then, filter and customize your data

Here you can customize your report by adding some selections, options and filters.

Selections - firstly, you are asked to make some choices about the status of the production orders (POs) you want to see. Even though some are opposites, they are not exclusive:

  • ‘Active’/ ‘Inactive’;

  • ‘Open’/ ‘Close’;

  • ‘Complete’/ ‘Not Complete’;

  • ‘Started’/ ‘Not started’;

  • ‘Archived’/ ‘Not Archived’;

Options - here, you can opt to see more columns than the standard ones on the report:

  • ‘Workers column’: workers assigned to the production order;

  • ‘Lots column’: products’ lot/batch numbers produced in production;

  • ‘Actual Workers column’: number of workers that actually worked in the production order;

  • ‘Operation detail’: if chosen, detailed information about the operation will be shown, such as:

    • ‘code operation’: the operation identifier;

    • ‘work time’: considers the time that the worker was actually performing work, i.e., with open production records, per operation;

    • ‘predicted time’: expected time per operation, that is calculated by multiplying the cycle time by the quantity produced;

    • ‘code product’: the unique product identifier;

    • ‘quantity ordered’: quantity ordered of each product within the PO;

    • ‘quantity produced’: quantity already produced of the same product as above;

    • completion details, such as ‘selected interval’, and ‘total’;

    • Selected Interval: Corresponds to the percentage of produced units for that operation, on the interval selected on the report.

    • Total: Corresponds to the percentage of produced units for that operation considering all records of the production order (even the ones outside of the time range selected).

  • ‘Products column’: will give you further details on the product, like:

    • ‘Code’;

    • ‘Name’: which purpose is to identify any product quickly;

    • ‘Quantity ordered’;

    • ‘Quantity produced’;

    • ‘Parameters’: a list of product parameters (what type of parameters?) will be shown;

  • ‘Lead time’: if selected, any other columns can be chosen. Additional other columns will automatically appear in the report:

  • ‘Observations column’: if an observation was made on one product within the PO, it will appear here.


  • ‘Filter by due date’/ ‘Filter by close date’: choose whether you want your report ‘period’ to filter by the PO due date or by the date in which it was closed;

  • ‘Period’: refers to the time interval of the PO to be presented.

    • Basic: select in case you want to filter the production records to be returned by a particular end time.

    • Relative: select in case you want to filter the production records to be returned by a predefined end time, such as today, yesterday, last 30 days, and others. You can also choose to schedule the report - learn more about it here.

    • Detailed: select in case you want to filter the production records to be returned both by the start and end time.

  • ‘Sales Order’;

  • ‘Shipping’;

  • ‘Product Family’;

  • ‘Product’;

  • ‘Operation’;

  • ‘Machine’;

  • ‘Lot/Batch Number’ (produced);

  • ‘Lot/Batch Number (Consumption)’.

3. Once you get the filters defined, click ‘Generate Report’.

If the message shown below is presented, you can choose to generate a report in excel or in pdf, by pressing the desired option.

If the message shown below is presented, you must reduce timeframe or add additional filters to your report.

Moreover, if you already know you want to generate the report in PDF or Excel, you can also use directly the dropdown button, next to the "generate report" one, on the bottom of the page. After pressing it, you have the option to select the Excel (1) or PDF (2) option.

Once you've chosen the desired format for the report, a page will open, displaying a list of all reports generated in the past five days. This list includes the name of the generated file, the report's expiration date, and its status:

  • Waiting: This indicates that the report is in a queue for generation.

  • Generating: This means that the report is currently being generated by the system.

  • Download: This means the report is ready to be downloaded and saved to your computer. By clicking this link, you can download the selected report in the defined format.

You can check all the generated reports, within a five days range, by going to the Reports tab and pressing the option "View Recent Reports".

Interpreting the results

After generating the report, you'll see the details about your production orders in the defined period.

Other than the chosen optional columns (mentioned above), the report will be generated with the following columns:

  • ‘Start date’: the date when the PO started;

  • ‘Estimated end date’: the expected date for the PO to end;

  • ‘Production order’: PO code, its unique identifier;

  • ‘Description’: brief description of the production order;

  • ‘Status’: it states if a PO is ‘Delayed’ (not completed and estimated end date is in the past), ‘Ongoing’ (not completed and estimated end date is in the future) or ‘Completed’;

  • ‘Actual end date’: date in which the production record for the last produced unit was completed (when PO ‘status’ goes from ‘Delayed’ or ‘Ongoing’ to ‘Completed’);

  • ‘End deviation (days)’: difference, in days, between ‘Actual end date’ and ‘Estimated end date’;

  • ‘Time’:

    • ‘Est.’: estimated production time, calculated by multiplying standard time and quantity ordered;

    • ‘Worked’: same as ‘work time’ in ‘Detailed operation’ filter - considers the time that the worker was actually performing work, i.e., with open production records in the defined ‘period’;

    • ‘Deviation’: difference between estimated and worked times; it takes the format hh:H:mm.

  • LeadTime: The lead time of the production order report is calculated based on the time between the first production record and the last one.

    Check example below:

Note that in case you have previously selected the ‘Operation detail’, ‘Products column’ or ‘Lead time’ filter, this information will appear grouped by ‘Production Order’.

Like any Autodesk Fusion Operations report, you can either download it in Excel or PDF format by clicking on Excel Report (1) or Export PDF (2).

If after reading this article you still have some doubts, feel free to reach out to us through our Live-chat feature, or directly to your CSM.

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