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Inventory Valuation Report

Generate and read a Inventory Valuation Report

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over a month ago

You can quickly generate and download the information you need about your materials costs with the Inventory Valuation report. This report takes into account all inventory movements up to a given date.

Generate the report

To access this data, follow the steps:

1. Go to Reports menu

Click in ‘Reports’, on the left side of the screen, and then on ‘Inventory Valuation’.

2. Then, filter and customize your data

  • ‘As of date’: You can define which date you want to see your inventory valuation. Clicking on the clock symbol, you can also choose ‘Relative’ time, where you’ll be able to schedule the report - learn more about it here.

  • 'Product': this allows you to filter by product.

  • 'Product family': you can select a family of products and only those will be shown in the report.

  • ‘Include products with no stock’: If this option is not selected, only materials with stock will be shown.

3. Generate the report

Scroll down and click "Generate Report".

If the message shown below is presented, you can choose to generate a report in Excel or in pdf, by pressing the desired option.

If the message shown below is presented, you must reduce the timeframe or add additional filters to your report.

Moreover, if you already know you want to generate the report in PDF or Excel, you can also use directly the dropdown button, next to the "generate report" one, on the bottom of the page. After pressing it, you have the option to select the Excel (1) or PDF (2) option.

Once you've chosen the desired format for the report, a page will open, displaying a list of all reports generated in the past five days. This list includes the name of the generated file, the report's expiration date, and its status:

  • Waiting: This indicates that the report is in a queue for generation.

  • Generating: This means that the report is currently being generated by the system.

  • Download: This means the report is ready to be downloaded and saved to your computer. By clicking this link, you can download the selected report in the defined format.

You can check all the generated reports, within a five-day range, by going to the Reports tab and pressing the option "View Recent Reports".

Interpret and download the results

After generating the report, you'll see the details about your inventory valuation until the defined date.

The report will be generated with the following columns:

‘Code’ and ‘Name’ of the product in analysis.

  • ‘Quantity’ of the product in stock on the date defined.

  • ‘Asset Value’: total value of the asset of the identified product; it is calculated by summing the inventory movements cost from the start of time until the chosen date. You can check the cost for each inventory movement at this link.

    • For raw materials: receiving cost of this product will be added to the asset value considering the specified cost on the purchase order.

    • For finished products: production cost of this product will be added to the asset value considering the production cost, reflecting the costs of workers, machines, and consumptions.

  • ‘Avg. Cost’: average cost of the product; it is calculated by dividing the asset value by the existing quantity on the chosen date.

  • 'Estimated Asset Value': Estimated average cost of the product. It is calculated by multiplying the unit cost (theoretical cost field under product) with the existing quantity on the chosen date.

  • 'Unit cost': is the value added in the product for the "Unit cost" field. It is also the default unit cost for products on purchase orders.

Last but not least, you can also export it to either PDF or Excel by pressing the export buttons at the top.

Good Practices and considerations

  • Everything that has a cost for your production has to be reflected in Autodesk Fusion Operations. The valuation of your inventory is influenced by labor cost, machine cost and the cost of consumed products (either raw material or sub-assemblies)

  • Avoid at all costs editing old inventory movements, since Autodesk Fusion Operations will not recalculate onwards, if you need to change it reach out to us

  • The time spent in production considers parallel usages of the same resource: i.e. if the same machine or worker was being used to produce other goods at the same time, their hourly costs will be proportionally considered

  • Consumption cost is given by the cost of the goods consumed (since the consumption inventory movements have this cost associated - you can check them on the production record)

  • If the consumed product is a raw material, its cost is given by the cost input when it was received (through a Purchase Order, or manually)

  • If the consumed product is a sub-assembly, its cost is given by the cost of producing it

  • If, in a Production order, multiple lots of the same product are produced, its lot will have its own cost


Consider the following product flow Cut -> Assemble -> Pack

  • 100 x Cut with a cost of 200

  • 80 x Assemble with a cost of 160

  • 80 x Pack with a cost of 80

This will create an Inventory Movement A with 80 units (since only 80 units were finished and 20 still need work)

The average cost = (200+160+80)/80un = 5.5

Cost of the inventory movement A = 80*5.5 = 440

With the production continued.

  • 20 x Assemble with a cost of 40

  • 20 x Pack with a cost of 20

Now Autodesk Fusion Operations create an Inventory Movement B with 20 units and updates Inventory Movement A considering the new unit cost

The new average cost = (200+160+80+40+20)/100un = 5

Cost of the inventory movement A (updated) = 80*5 = 400

Cost of the inventory movement B = 20*5 = 100


  • When you have a negative Asset value and quantity:

Origin of issue: This is a consequence of consuming/shipping more than you have available in inventory. So either your inventory is not up to date because you probably missed some inventory movements in the past or the consumption was not correctly added.

For the case in question, the quantity consumed was not correctly added in production, since only 9 were consumed for the production of 3 Chocolate cakes.

Fix: To correct this you should edit the Production record and not the inventory movement. ATTENTION: if the product is a subassembly please reach out to support before making any change.

  • When you have a negative Asset value, positive quantity, and a negative Average cost:

Origin of issue: That happens when you have some shipping or consumption with cost and/or quantities incorrect.

Fix: To correct this you need to search for the product code, in the inventory movements table filters, find the incorrect movement, open and save it (without making any changes). Re-run the report, if the issue persists reach out to us.

  • When you have quantity but no Asset value or Average cost:

Origin of issue: Some receiving/inventory movement that increases quantity was added without the cost.

Fix: To correct this you need to search for the product code, in the inventory movements table filters, find the movement without cost, correct it, and save. Re-run the report, if the issue persists reach out to us. ATTENTION: if the product was already consumed after that receiving without cost, please reach out to us.

If after reading this article you still have some doubts, feel free to reach out to us through our Live-chat feature, or directly to your CSM.

Need help? Request a Fusion Operations expert to contact you here.

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