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Checklists' Report

Find out how to generate and read reports of checklists

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over 3 months ago

You can quickly generate and download the information you need about checklists at your factory. To access the checklists' data, please follow the next steps:

Generating the Reports

1. Click on (1) Reports, on the left side of the screen, and then (2) Checklists.

2. Here you can customize your report by adding some filters. Only the time period is mandatory.

  • Time period: refers to the time interval of the checklists to be presented. You can either define it in a basic (selecting start and end date) or relative way (for example, "Today", or "Last 7 days"). Please note that the time interval cannot exceed three months.

  • Checklist: choose in case there's a specific checklist that you want to analyze.

  • Production Order: select one in case you want to investigate the checklists for a specific production order.

  • Product: this filter allows you to detail the results for one specific product.

  • Operation: allows you to extract only the checklists associated to a specific operation.

  • Lot/Batch Number: select this filter if you want to only get checklist information about a specific lot/batch number.

  • Worker Groups: this filters allows you to detail the results for a specific worker group.

3.Once you get the filters defined, click on Generate Report.

If the message shown below is presented, you can choose to generate a report in excel or in pdf, by pressing the desired option.

If the message shown below is presented, you must reduce timeframe or add additional filters to your report.

Moreover, if you already know you want to generate the report in PDF or Excel, you can also use directly the dropdown button, next to the "generate report" one, on the bottom of the page. After pressing it, you have the option to select the Excel (1) or PDF (2) option.

Once you've chosen the desired format for the report, a page will open, displaying a list of all reports generated in the past five days. This list includes the name of the generated file, the report's expiration date, and its status:

  • Waiting: This indicates that the report is in a queue for generation.

  • Generating: This means that the report is currently being generated by the system.

  • Download: This means the report is ready to be downloaded and saved to your computer. By clicking this link, you can download the selected report in the defined format.

You can check all the generated reports, within a five days range, by going to the Reports tab and pressing the option "View Recent Reports".

After generating the report, you'll see the parameters that were filled on the checklists.

In the paragraph below a generic explanation of the results is provided.

Interpreting the report results

There are three types of checklists that can be generated in the reports: Safety & Health, Maintenance and Quality checklists. Depending on the one that was filled, different information will be displayed.

Safety & Health


Quality - Production

Quality - Inventory Movements

Observing the images above, checklists are grouped by their code (1), following their records and the information filled on those.

On the header of the checklists, in the first columns (2), it is presented information regarding the record itself.

  • For the Safety and Health checklist, both the date record and the worker who preformed the checklist are identified.

  • For the Maintenance checklist, the date record, the worker who performed the check and the maintenance order code are identified.

  • For the Production checklist, are specified the date of completion, the worker responsible for the check, the production order and operation where it took place, and the product and lot/batch number being analyzed.

  • For the Inventory Movements checklist, are specified the date of completion and the worker responsible for the check, the product and lot/batch number being analyzed and finally the sales order/purchase order code, depending on whether is a shipping or receiving movement.

On the following columns of the header (3), the checklist values are displayed. Those will be specific for each checklist.

Finally, on the last column (4), there is a hyper link for the checklist record, production record or inventory movement, considering the checklist under analysis.

Like any Autodesk Fusion Operations report, you can either download it in Excel or PDF format by clicking on Excel Report or Export PDF.

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