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Cost Report

Learn how to generate and interpret a Cost Report

Vânia Lourenço avatar
Written by Vânia Lourenço
Updated over 3 months ago

A report in Autodesk Fusion Operations is, essentially, a list of a certain type of element defined by the user within a given time period of your choice.

A ‘Cost Report’ will list all Cost Records made during a given time span. You can also apply filters to narrow down the information, and some advanced options as detailed below.

Generating the report

1. Go to Reports menu

Click in ‘Reports’, on the left side of the screen, and then in ‘Costs’.

2. Then, filter and customize your data

  • ‘Time period’: refers to the time interval of records to be presented. You can either define it, by clicking on the clock symbol, in a basic (selecting start and end date), relative (for example, ‘Today’, or ‘Last 7 days’) or detailed way (for example two different time intervals).

    If you choose a relative time period, you can also choose to schedule the report - learn more about it here.

By default, in this panel, the start date is always the beginning of the present month and the end date is always today.

  • Include Worker and Machine Downtime: the system will add a line in the report with all details for workers and machine downtimes logged during this time span. The downtime will appear like in the image below:

  • Include consumed products: the report will show all the consumed products in the end of the report, like in the image below, with all details for quantities and total costs, separated by lots.

Filters and Grouping

  • Report Filters: you can filter by several elements that compose a production record for only a single product or by a single worker for example.

  • Report Grouping: when selected, a summary line will display on the bottom of the report, with the information grouped by the define entity.

3. Generate Report

Finally, after choosing the report’s options that you want and their respective time interval press “Generate Report” to see your report.

If the message shown below is presented, you can choose to generate a report in excel or in pdf, by pressing the desired option.

If the message shown below is presented, you must reduce timeframe or add additional filters to your report.

Moreover, if you already know you want to generate the report in PDF or Excel, you can also use directly the dropdown button, next to the "generate report" one, on the bottom of the page. After pressing it, you have the option to select the Excel (1) or PDF (2) option.

Once you've chosen the desired format for the report, a page will open, displaying a list of all reports generated in the past five days. This list includes the name of the generated file, the report's expiration date, and its status:

  • Waiting: This indicates that the report is in a queue for generation.

  • Generating: This means that the report is currently being generated by the system.

  • Download: This means the report is ready to be downloaded and saved to your computer. By clicking this link, you can download the selected report in the defined format.

You can check all the generated reports, within a five days range, by going to the Reports tab and pressing the option "View Recent Reports".

Interpreting the results

The report itself can be sorted by clicking on the arrows in the header.

The report integrates different colors. Each one of them can be added to a line with a specific meaning. Below you can check the legend for each one of them.

A ‘Possible time or quantity error’ might mean that quantity for that record was 0, or that the record took less than 60 seconds.

In case the option "Include consumed products" was previously selected, a separate table in the report will be presented:

Regarding the time values given, here is what they mean:

  • Start time: Date - Time that a specific operation started.

  • End time: Date - Time that a specific operation ended.

  • Worker: Designated worker or group of workers that performed the operation.

  • Machine: Machine where the operation occurred.

  • Operation: Product Code.Operation Code .

  • Prod.Ord.: Code of Production order.

  • Productivity: The speed at which each work center works as a percentage of the optimal productivity for which it is designed to: Formula: Productivity = (Parts Produced * Optimal Cycle Time) / Produced Time.

  • QTY: Amount produced on the production record.

  • Unit of Measurement: Unit of measurement of the final product.

  • Cost - Work: The cost of work is the sum of the workers cost per hour with the machines cost per hour multiplied by the time consumed during production.

  • Cost - W/Ideal time: Calculated as Cost - Work cost but considering productivity was 100%.

  • Cost - Deviation: Difference between ‘Cost - W/Ideal time’ and ‘Cost - Work’.

  • Avg Pieces/Hour - Est.: Average number of finished products produced per hour, considering a productivity of 100%.

  • Avg Pieces/Hour - Actual.: Average number of finished products produced per hour.

In this page, you can also decide to export it to either pdf or excel by pressing the export buttons at the top.

If after reading this article you still have some doubts, feel free to reach out to us through our Live-chat feature, or directly to your CSM.

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