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How to create and use Parameters Intervals

Learn how to set parameters intervals and how they work!

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over 3 weeks ago

In Autodesk Fusion Operations you can define parameters that can later be filled in the back office or by operators. These can be used to define characteristics in products and operations or to create checklists.

In the mobile version, these parameters can be attached to products, operations and checklists to collect various types of information.

After creating the parameters, Autodesk Fusion Operations allows you to inform the workers during production about the numerical values of target, maximum and minimum value for that parameter for each product and operation. You can also set alerts on your email every time the values go outside the specified range.

Keep reading this article in order to understand how to define the parameters intervals.

1. Go to ‘Quality’ (1) > ‘Parameters Intervals’ (2) > ‘+Add parameter interval’ (3)

2. You’ll be asked to fill in some fields like which ‘Operation’ and ‘Machine’ this parameter interval is associated with and which ‘Parameter’ you want to add the interval to. You must also fill a minimum parameter value, a maximum parameter value and a target value for that parameter.

3. Now that you’ve filled the parameter interval fields, you can save it by clicking ‘Save parameter interval’.

Also, check in the image the example we created: for operation ‘Trimming’ in product ‘Wood’, performed in the machine ‘Machine1’, the parameter ‘Size (cm)’ target is 10.8, however it is allowed to go from 10 to 12.

4. When inserting production for this combination (product-operation-machine), when the system asks to confirm parameters values, it will also inform you which are the expected values (the parameter intervals previously defined)

If you choose a value that is out of the range of the parameter intervals, the system will show you a warning message, but if you click ‘OK’ again, it will let you move on to the next screen with the inserted value.


You can also set up an alert every time someone inserts a parameter value out of its range.

The example shown above is in the ‘Insert Production’ menu, but the behavior is the same when filling a parameter in a Quality Checklist, for example.

Note: Fusion Operations gives you the opportunity to import several Parameter Intervals at once - learn how to do it here.


1. Why can't I see the parameter interval I've just created in my product/operation/checklist?

After creating the parameter you need to associate it with the products and operations (via checklist or not):

  • You can add “Parameters” in bulk to operations, to see how check our article on Bulk Actions

  • Parameters are also what compose checklists, you can add multiple parameters to create a Checklist, to know more check the article How to create a Checklist

If you still have some doubts about ‘Parameter Intervals’ creation or need any help, you can request a Fusion Operations expert to contact you here.

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