Now that you’ve learned about ‘Parameter Intervals’, you can import them to your account in bulk.
To do this you will need to use our excel/.csv importer, make sure to download the template we provide so you know how to fill information in.
1. On the left menu, click in ‘Quality’(1) > ‘Parameter Intervals’(2) > ‘Import’ (3)
2. You can choose to import or download a file template in case you are not sure which columns to include. The ‘Machine Code’ is not a mandatory field. You need to define at least a maximum, minimum or target, but you can also define all of them. The file should be previously prepared as follows:
Product Code (column A): the code for the product you want to set the parameter interval in
Operation Code (B): the code for the operation you want to set the parameter interval in
Machine Code (C): the code for the machine you want to set the parameter interval in
Parameter Name (D): the name for the Parameter we will be defining the interval for
Min (E): Minimum value for the Interval
Max (F): Maximum value for the Interval
Target (G): Target value for the controlled parameter
3. Choose the excel file to import and click in ‘Start to send’
4. Read carefully the warnings that may appear:
Orange warnings - there is an issue with the selected line of the file you imported; however, the system will adapt it and import the file anyway. You must recheck what might have been changed and if you agree with it.
Red warnings - the system will not import the line with the warning, because something is wrong and a workaround cannot be applied. Nevertheless, you can ignore a line and import the rest of the file, by clicking ‘Ignore line’.
5. Click on the ‘Confirm’ button and your ‘Parameter Intervals’ have been uploaded!
1. Why can't I see the parameter interval I've just imported in my product/operation/checklist?
After creating the parameter you need to associate it with the products and operations (via checklist or not):
You can add “Parameters” in bulk to operations, to see how check our article on Bulk Actions
Parameters are also what compose checklists, you can add multiple parameters to create a Checklist, to know more check the article How to create a Checklist.
If you still have some doubts about the ‘Parameter Interval Importer’, feel free to reach out in our live-chat feature or directly to your CSM.
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