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How to import multiple Checklists

Learn how to create more than one checklist at once!

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over 3 months ago

Autodesk Fusion Operations gives you the possibility to create ‘Quality’, ‘Safety and Health’ and ‘Maintenance’ checklists that can be attached to 'Maintenance Orders', 'Operations' or 'Receiving' - or none, in case you might need to fill it when you are not doing any of those things:

  • ‘Maintenance’ checklists: can be attached to a ‘Maintenance Order’;

  • ‘Quality’ checklists: can be attached to ‘Operations’, to be filled before or after production;

  • ‘Safety & Health’ checklists: can be filled during safety and health inspections.

You can create these checklists one by one, or import more than one at once - saving you time -, as explained on the following steps:

1. On the left menu, click ‘Quality’ / ‘Safety & Health’ / ‘Maintenance’ (1) > ‘Checklists’ (2) > ‘Import’ (3).

2. You can choose to import or download a file template in case you are not sure which columns to include. In case you choose to download the file template, in the right side of the page, you will find an option to download it. After choosing the most convenient format, an excel/csv file with the correct headers will be exported into your computer.

The file to import contains some columns about the checklist (columns A to E) and others about the parameters to include in that checklist (columns F to N). It should be prepared as follows:

Checklist related columns:

  • Checklist Code (Column A): the unique identifier of the checklist. (Mandatory)

  • Checklist name (B): a small phrase that identifies the checklist.

  • Checklist type (C): to choose which type of checklist you are creating - ‘Quality’, ‘SafetyAndHealth’ or ‘Maintenance’.

  • Checklist text (D): a brief description of the checklist, to be displayed on the mobile device while the checklist is being filled out.

  • Checklist options (E): In case your checklist has more than one, the format must be ‘sc,sr’ (for example).

    • ‘sc’=show on production check-in (to be filled before production),

    • ‘sp’=show on production (shown right after the worker finishes production),

    • sr’=show on rework.

Parameters related columns:

  • Parameter name (F): unique identifier of the parameter.

  • Parameter description (G): small phrase to better understand the parameter.

  • Parameter text to show (H): brief description of the parameter, to be displayed on the mobile device.

  • Parameter type (I): you should choose one of the four types of parameters to be created:

    • ‘Text’: a box is displayed where the worker can input information in text format;

    • ‘Numeric’: same as above, but in numeric format;

    • ‘SingleSelect’: the worker is shown a dropdown menu with limited options, previously defined on column J;

    • ‘Signature’: a big box appears, where the worker can draw his signature.

  • Parameter possible values (J): In case your parameter type is SingleSelect, here you can choose which selections will appear; the format of this column is ‘value1,value2,value3,...’.

  • Parameter KPI type (K): ‘q’=quantity, ‘t’=time; this field allows you to define if the parameter answers are displayed near the quantity or the time fields in reports.

  • Parameter optional (L): this column accepts the ‘true’ value in case your parameter is not required; else, it should be filled with ‘false’.

  • Parameter show on (M): when associated with an operation and performing ‘Insert Production’ on the mobile device, if this field is left empty the parameter will not show, if filled with ‘ci’, it will be shown before starting production, if filled with ‘co’ it will be shown just after finishing production.

  • Parameter order index (N): to define the order of appearance of parameters on production - i.e. if not collected in a checklist but individually; insert numeric values and those values will be used to sort the CFs when being filled during production, starting in 1 (first to appear).

Properly defining your parameters is crucial, as it is the core, the main constituent of the checklists.

Do you want to know more about parameters? Then check our article here.


1. Consider formatting the columns in text before you begin filling;
2. Do not use formulas in cells;
3. Only the first page of the file is imported. You can use other pages but only the first one will be taken into account.

4. Choose the excel file to import and click in ‘Start to send’

5. Read carefully the warnings that may appear:

  • Yellow warnings - there is an issue with the selected line of the file you imported; however, the system will adapt it and import the file anyway. You must recheck what might have been changed and if you agree with it.

  • Red warnings - the system will not import the line with the warning, because something is wrong and a workaround cannot be applied. Nevertheless, you can ignore a line and import the rest of the file, by unselecting the blue square in the beginning of the line

6. Click on the ‘Confirm’ button and your ‘Checklists’ have been uploaded!

After importing your checklists, you can record them on your tablet, and then check it on the back office by going to the menu ‘Maintenance’ / ‘Quality’ / ‘Safety & Health’ (depending on your checklist type) > ‘Checklist Records’, or by downloading a Checklist Report.

If you have any doubt about this importer or any of the related features, feel free to reach out to us through our Live-Chat feature or directly with your Account Manager!

Need help? Request a Fusion Operations expert to contact you here.

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