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How to import Purchase Orders

This article explains how to create several purchase orders at once!

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated in the last 15 minutes

You can use an Excel file to import multiple Purchase Orders into Autodesk Fusion Operations.
This feature is extremely useful because it allows you to use the functionalities of a spreadsheet to quickly fill the file with hundreds of Products/Purchase Orders - saving you time.

To import several Purchase Orders into Autodesk Fusion Operations at once, follow the steps below.

1. On the left menu, click in ‘Purchase Orders’.

2. Click in ‘Import Purchase Orders’.

3. You can choose to import or download a file template in case you are not sure which columns to include. In case you choose to download the file template, in the right side of the page, you will find an option to download it. After choosing the most convenient format, an excel/csv file with the correct headers will be exported into your computer.

The file should be previously prepared as follows:

Mandatory Fields:

  • Purchase Order code (column A): the code you want to be the identifier of your ‘Purchase Order’.

  • Product Code (D): the code of the product to receive with the ‘Purchase Order’.

  • Quantity (F): quantity per product. Note: If you have previously defined a receiving Unit of Measurement (UoM), that’s the UoM you should consider. If not, you should consider the standard UoM of the product. Learn more about UoM here, and receiving UoM/UoM conversion here.

Optional Fields:

  • Supplier Code (B): the code of the supplier. You can check this on the menu on the left, under the tab ‘Suppliers’.

  • Creation Date (C): the creation date of the Purchase Order. This is an optional field, if you don't define a Creation Date, the current time and date will be used.

    • Depending on your User ‘locale’, creation date format varies. It is possible to verify the date format of your company in the creation page of a purchase order. If you need help on how to access this page please click here.

      Note: in case your date time format includes seconds, those must not be added to the import.

  • Parameters (E): the parameters of the products to receive. The format for this column is ‘Parameter1:ValueForParameter1,Parameter2:ValueForParameter2’.

  • Due Date (G): the due date of the ‘Purchase Order’. Must be filled with the same format as the one used in the Creation Date column (Column C). If you stipulate different Due Dates for Receivings in the same Purchase Order, multiple Receivings will be created in the Purchase Order, with different due dates.

  • Observations (H): observations/notes to add to the products in the ‘Purchase Order’.

  • Cost (I): Total cost per product code (Unit cost x quantity).

  • Active? (J): Type "Yes" or "Active" in case you want the Purchase Order to be imported with the status set to active (and therefore visible on the tablet).


1. Consider formatting the columns in text before you begin filling.
2. Do not use formulas in cells.
3. Only the first page of the file is imported. You can use other pages but only the first one will be taken into account.

4. The import only accepts 1001 lines at the time, if you have more than 1001 lines you will have to separate them into several imports.

4. Choose the excel file to import and click in ‘Start to send’.

5. Read carefully the warnings that may appear:

  • Yellow Warnings - there is an issue with the selected line of the file you imported; however, the system will adapt it and import the file anyway. You must recheck what might have been changed and if you agree with it.

  • Red Warnings - the system will not import the line with the warning, because something is wrong and a workaround cannot be applied. Nevertheless, you can ignore a line and import the rest of the file, by clicking in ‘Ignore line’.

6. Click on the ‘Confirm’ button and your ‘Purchase Orders’ have been uploaded!

Update Purchase Orders:

It's possible to add new products to an existing purchase order as long as the purchase order code matches the one on the account. A new receiving will always be added to your purchase order with the new product.

Beware that even if you're adding a product that already exists, a new receiving will be created with that same product information.


1. I'm having an error when importing purchase order: 'Creation Date: Due date before creation date'

To fix assure that date in column C is before column G. Assure as well that the format on both date fields is properly filled out.

If the error persists and you're updating an already existing Purchase order you have two options:

  • Remove the creation date from the importer (column C), that way the pre-existing creation date will be kept.

  • Change the creation date based on the existent receiving due dates, so that the new creation date is before the receiving due dates.

If you still have some doubts about the ‘Purchase Order Importer’, feel free to reach out in our live-chat feature or directly to your CSM.

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