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Training Session on the mobile app

Learn how to start, end and approve training sessions.

Vânia Lourenço avatar
Written by Vânia Lourenço
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Start the Training session

1. Select the option Training Session on the tablet and it will show the Trainings that are incomplete or pending approval.

2. When selected it will direct the worker to the Production Orders -> Product -> Operations existing in the shop-floor and with a training associated.

Manage the training session

In the back office is also possible to filter in the production records by Training:

When editing that production record the information below will appear, with an hyperlink to the Training session (T1).

End the training session

To finish the training session in the tablet is the same as starting it.

As an alternative it is also possible to close the training session with the ‘Insert Production’, the worker can go an operation that has a Training session already started and end it.

For both options this input will count for production and Training sessions.

The report analysis

In the report it is possible to see the progress of the Training. If the duration of the training is not completed the first time, the worker can continue the training later, it will accumulate the time spent in the operation.

The table in the report shows the Worker, Operation, Time spent doing the training, Duration set for the training, percentage of Completeness, Productivity specific for this task and Latest productivity, that is from the last 5 operations performed by this worker, including the last one in the training session.

This report can also be exported in PDF or Excel formats.

Approve the training

This can be done in the back office or in the tablet.

  • In the back office by Editing the Training session and clicking the 3 dots the option ‘Set as approved by a supervisor’.

  • In the tablet

1. Go to the Approve training tablet button

2. Click on the training session that you want to approve

3. Choose the worker for which you want to approve the training

4. Click confirm or add another


  • The trainings can be approved without having the set duration complete

  • In the back office is also possible to cancel the approval

If after reading this article you still have some doubts, feel free to reach out to us through our Live-chat feature, or directly to your CSM.

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