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Production Tracking

Capture data in the mobile application and analyze it in the management interface

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Configuring the tablet interface and collecting data

Accessing the tablet interface requires creating an input device, that can be checked in this article. This allows workers on the shop floor to log what they are working on and have produced into the system.

We won't go over the process in detail, since it has been already covered in the Getting Started 3 article. Nevertheless, as a reminder workers can select Insert Production from the mobile app and follow through the steps, specifying which Production Order, Product and Operation they are working on.

After inputting these the production along with the time counting will be started for that production. Once the work is completed, they will tap Insert Production and input the quantity that have been produced.

How to generate a production records report

This data will then be updated and displayed in both the Production Orders page, and the Dashboard. It can also be viewed through the Reports. We’ll have a look in more detail now how to set up and interpret these reports.

1. Select Reports from the side menu.

At the top of the page you can select which type of report you want to create. The default report is set to Productions.

A Production Report will list all Production Records made during a given time span. There are further options and filters to define what information is in the report.

2. At the top of the page you can add additional options to your report. Their explanation follows below:

  • With Detailed Waste: includes the quantity for each waste code logged in your production records over the time span. The waste codes being the identifier for each waste,

  • Include Machine Downtime: adds a line in the report with the details of all logged machine downtime reasons over the selected time span,

  • Include Consumed Products: creates a table at the end of the report with all of the consumed products and lots.

3. The following step consists of setting filters. The first filter is related to the time interval. You can set these by:

  • Basic, the default option in which you specify the filter for the production records end time,

  • Relative, in which you indicate for example Today or Last 7 days,

  • Detailed, in which you can filter both the start and end time for the production records.

4. You can then apply filters to the report, for example to only view information for a single production order. You can also use a combination of these filters.

5. If you would like to see the Production Records grouped by a particular type of element on the report, for example grouped by each worker, then you can select Group next to that field.

6. Once you have configured your options, select Generate Report at the bottom of the page to create the report. This will open in a separate window.

How to analyze your report

After extracting your report, you can sort the columns by selecting the arrows on the headers header across the different columns.

You can also check the colours containing warnings for time or quantity errors and downtimes. You can view the key for these colours at the bottom left of the table.

The report also includes time values:

  • Total Estimated Time is the defined cycle time of the operation multiplied by the number of units produced,

  • Total Work Time is the actual time that the workers spent in the operation,

  • Deviation is the difference between the Estimated and Worked values. If the deviation is positive, meaning the worker spent longer on the operation than planned, this value will show in red. If negative, so they were quicker than planned, it will be shown in green.

  • Idle time, which is how long the worker spent between finishing their last production and logging into the current one.

As well as viewing the reports from within the management interface of Fusion Operations, you can also export them, as either an Excel or PDF file, from the top left of the screen.

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