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Batch Time Update

Redefine the standard times for your operations

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over 3 months ago

Operations may change over time at your factory, so their cycle times are likely to change as well. You might also not be totally sure about how long each process takes beforehand. Batch time update is a useful feature that allows mass updates of the operations' time by considering the data that has been collected over a certain period of time. Learn how to manage this tool by following the steps below.

How to use the Batch Time Update

1. Open the Batch time update window, nested under the Operations tab.

2. You will see some fields, for the purposes explained below:

  • Period to analyze (1) refers to the time interval of operations whose data you want to be considered to perform the cycle time update;

  • Filters (2) allow you to specify the batch time update to a specific product, operation, and/or section. None of the previous is mandatory.

  • Calculate average time per unit for all operations in this filter (3). The name speaks for itself: this is useful if you want to know the average time of a certain set of operations that you specified by using the filters on the left;

  • Operations list (4), where you can take a look at the operations that respect the filters, along with some extra information about them.

3. You have now three different options to update the cycle times, displayed on the image below:

The option in box (1) refers to calculate the average time per unit for all operations respecting the filters on the left. Afterwards, you can use the calculated time to define the new cycle time for operations. Please note that the calculated time refers to a single unit: if you insert a different quantity, the new time must be changed proportionally. Here you can also define the date from which the new time will become effective. After filling the previous fields, you must click on change and the cycle times will update.

Alternatively, you can also use the blue boxes (2) and go through operations individually to change the cycle times individually.

The third option you have is to use the change all (3) button. This will change the operations' cycle time for the new duration displayed on the column at the right for all operations that respect the filters you selected. Operations with a new duration of 00H00 won't be changed.

We hope this was useful. Don't hesitate to reach us in case you have any further question 😄

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