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Quality policy
Vânia Lourenço avatar
Written by Vânia Lourenço
Updated over 2 months ago

Autodesk Fusion Operations supports Quality Policy storage and publishing. To issue a version of this document, go to Quality/Quality Policies.

1. Enter the document code and revision number. Then, you could write-down the text directly in the text box or you can choose to upload a file. If “File” option was selected, a button to upload the document will appear. Beware both options are not compatible, it is one or the other.

2. When stored, the file will remain in “Inactive” status, to change the status you need to select the Quality Policy that you want to publish and click in the “Activate” button. Note that after published, a Quality Policy can be replaced but not deleted from the system.

An automatic email will be sent to all the users’ emails and workers will be prompted to acknowledge the Quality Policy next time they input their worker number in the mobile application.

3. When the file becomes “Active” two Tabs will appear one for the user’s acknowledgement and other for the workers.

4. The users will receive and email with a direct link to the policy and then a button to validate their acknowledgement. When completed the Tabs will be updated.
Similarly, when workers acknowledge the Policy in the mobile application the tab will also be updated.

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