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Purchase Orders Report

Learn how to quickly extract information for Purchase Orders

David Andrade avatar
Written by David Andrade
Updated over 3 months ago

Purchase Orders' report allows you to list and analyze all the purchase orders in Autodesk Fusion Operations over a certain period of time.

This is where you can find it:

Generating the Report

1. Go to Reports menu

Click in 'Reports', on the left side of the screen, and then in 'Purchase Orders'.

2. Filter and customize your data

You can filter the purchase orders by time frame or product, as it is displayed on the screenshot below.

‘Time period’: refers to the due date time interval of the Purchase Orders to be presented. You can either define it, by clicking on the clock symbol, in a basic (selecting start and end date) or relative way (for example, ‘Today’, or ‘Last 7 days’). If you choose a relative time period, you can also choose to schedule the report - learn more about it here. The time interval cannot exceed one month.

‘Purchase Order status’: You can define if you want to see only ‘Open’, ‘Archived’ or ‘Closed’ orders, and any combination of those.

'Consider entries without due date set': Since the due date is not a mandatory field on each sales order, activating this box will allow you to also extract orders with no due date defined in Autodesk Fusion Operations.

‘Product’: You can select a product, and see all Sales Orders within your period that contain this product. If you need it, you can also leave the product field blank, and in this case, it will show you all the purchase orders during that period.

Once you get the filters defined, click on ‘Generate Report.’

3. Generate the report

Once you get the filters defined, scroll down and click on ‘Generate Report.’

If the message shown below is presented, you can choose to generate a report in excel or in pdf, by pressing the desired option.

If the message shown below is presented, you must reduce timeframe or add additional filters to your report.

Moreover, if you already know you want to generate the report in PDF or Excel, you can also use directly the dropdown button, next to the "generate report" one, on the bottom of the page. After pressing it, you have the option to select the Excel (1) or PDF (2) option.

Once you've chosen the desired format for the report, a page will open, displaying a list of all reports generated in the past five days. This list includes the name of the generated file, the report's expiration date, and its status:

  • Waiting: This indicates that the report is in a queue for generation.

  • Generating: This means that the report is currently being generated by the system.

  • Download: This means the report is ready to be downloaded and saved to your computer. By clicking this link, you can download the selected report in the defined format.

You can check all the generated reports, within a five days range, by going to the Reports tab and pressing the option "View Recent Reports".

Interpret and download the results

This is an example of the result you get:

At the bottom of the report, you can also find a table that displays the total number of receivings, the total quantity, and how much it all costs.

This report will list the purchase orders, regardless of their approval status (draft, in review, accepted or completed).

Last but not least, you can also export it to either PDF or Excel by pressing the export buttons at the top.

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