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Scheduling by Product
Elisa Soares Rosa avatar
Written by Elisa Soares Rosa
Updated over a week ago

The scheduling by product view allows you to have a macro visualization of the different production orders of the account, segmented by the different products that will be produced throughout the day/week/month.

It provides insights into the different workloads and capacities of the company, considering the different available filters.

Before starting the analysis of the load and capacity considering the different days, we recommend reviewing this article. It provides several examples, offering a more detailed explanation of how the load and capacity are calculated, considering multiple scenarios.

Available Filters

There are several filters available to help you understand in more detail the production order distribution per product in the scheduling menu.

Scale: Periodicity that will be displayed on the Gantt chart. The values available are hour, day, week, month.

Shipping: Only the production orders with the shipping identified on the filter will be displayed. In that same context, only the products associated with those production orders will be listed. The load will be adapted accordingly.

Product: Only the production orders that have the identified product will be displayed. The load will be adapted accordingly.

Section: Only the products that have operations that belong to the identified section will be presented on the listing. The capacity and load will be adapted accordingly.

Hide Weekends: If selected, the weekends will not be presented on the Gantt chat.

Date filter: Time interval to be displayed on the Gantt chart.

Allowed Functionalities

Edit the production order start date/date and duration

  • Dragging production orders: Edit the production order start and end date, considering the load and capacity distribution

To edit the start and end time of a production order, 'click and hold' the production order you want to re-schedule and drag it to the desired date. You can also enter your production order by clicking on its bar.

  • Increase/Decrease the duration of a production Order:

If you want to increase/decrease the production order duration, you can also do it by expanding/shrinking its bar size on both borders. See the image below:

Depending on the production order status, they can have multiple colors to help differentiate their progress. Its meaning is detailed below:

In Progress: There are open production records in that production order.

Completed: All units on the production order have been completed.

Delayed: The production order end date is in the past, and not all units have been completed.

Scheduled: The production order end date is in the future and not all its units have been completed.

If after reading this article you still have some doubts, feel free to reach out to us through our Live-chat feature, or directly to your CSM.

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