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Scheduling by Worker by Operation
Vânia Lourenço avatar
Written by Vânia Lourenço
Updated over a week ago

The scheduling by worker by operation view allows you to have a detailed visualization of the operations assigned to the different workers within a date range. It provides insights into the loads and capacities of the company, considering the available filters.

How to schedule my workers by operation?

Upon the creation of the production order you can assign workers or groups of workers under the advanced fields options, but when scheduling by operation a more detailed approach is needed. If you do not have workers assigned to each operation nothing will be shown in this view. To know more on how to assign workers to operations check this article on how to do it via Production orders, or this one on how to do it via scheduling by operation.

Available Filters

There are multiple filters available to provide you with more detail on the distribution per worker in the scheduling menu.

  • Shipping: Only the production orders with the shipping identified on the filter will be displayed. In that same context, only the workers associated with those production orders will be listed.

  • Production order: Only the operations from the Production order identified on the filter will be displayed. In that same context, only the workers associated with that production order will be listed. The load and capacity will be adapted accordingly.

  • Product: Only the operations in the identified product will be displayed. In that same context, only the workers associated with operations from that product will be listed.

  • Section (Worker): Only the workers that belong to the identified section will be presented on the listing. The load and capacity will be adapted accordingly.

  • Worker: Only the operations assigned to the filtered worker will be presented. The capacity will be adapted accordingly, and the load will be stacked and shown in color-coded by production order.

  • Show unscheduled load: If selected, the general load of all operations without workers assigned/scheduled will be presented, it cannot be used with other filters.

  • Date filter: Time interval to be displayed in the Gantt chart.

Available Functionalities

1. Change the workers assigned to the operations

To modify the workers assigned to each operation, press on the operation bar (1) and assign the desired workers (2).

2. Change start and end dates

  • Drag and drop operations:

You can rearrange the operations by dragging them to different dates, which will impact the start and end date of the production order to which the operation is assigned. To drag the operation 'click and hold' the operation bar you want to re-schedule and drag it to the desired date.

  • Extend/Shrink the operation bar:

When you rearrange the operations by dragging them to different dates, as mentioned before, it will impact the start and end date of the production order, but you can also increase/decrease the production order duration, by expanding/shrinking the bar size of the operations on both borders and with the way you display them in the chart.

Note that, changing the operations bar size will not impact their cycle time, but will impact the load.

Additional information available

On the left of all operations bars, you'll find a small colored marking which indicates the status of the operation (1):

  • Green: means that the operation is already performed, which indicates that the quantity ordered in the Production order has been produced for that specific operation.

  • Red: means that the operation end date is in the past and the units ordered were not produced.

  • Blue: means that the operation is scheduled and on time.

You also have a red line (2) that marks the present day for guidance and a red circle with an exclamation point (3) that warns you when the operation needs a machine and it's not yet scheduled.

Available Views

Besides the Gantt Chart(0), it's possible to have the production orders presented in a list (1) or a calendar (2):

1. List

In the list view, you have organized all operations into workers, considering the operation date, and providing information such as production order, product code, estimated time, and other details listed below.

This information is available to be exported to an Excel/PDF sheet by selecting the buttons highlighted in the image above.

2. Calendar

On the calendar view, you have the option to visualize the production orders presented by month and week on a calendar (1). To navigate between the months/weeks you should select the buttons "<" ">" available (2).

If after reading this article you still have some doubts, feel free to reach out to us through our Live-chat feature, or directly to your CSM.

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