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Quality Analytics

Gain full insights on the waste generated during your production.

Vânia Lourenço avatar
Written by Vânia Lourenço
Updated over 3 months ago

Quality Analytics is a tool that will allow you to quickly identify processes that generate an abnormal level of waste and correct them to boost your efficiency.

When producing there is the possibility of generating wastes (ie. products with flaws). Fusion Operations enables you to define these wastes and record them, to perform analysis according to the workers input via tablet. To know more about how to create wastes click here.

First, to access Quality Analytics go to ‘Quality’ → ‘Quality Analytics’.

Before applying filters you can already customize how do you want to analyze your information - Waste or Product Family. The first option will facilitate an analysis about which wastes codes are the most common, whereas the second will enable an analysis per product family (and know which product families have larger percentage of waste).

Select the ‘Date Range’ that refers to the time interval to be presented. You have several options available: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This month, Last month or Custom Range.

By default, in this panel, the start date is the first day of the current month and the end date is today.


You can filter your results by the several elements that compose the production records. For example, you can filter the wastes by a single product or worker, as shown below.

You also have Waste Quantity Filters, which only filters waste quantities, keeping the production records from the previous filters. In other words, the filters above consider the information on the production records, whereas these filters consider the operations that have these wastes/waste categories associated with them.


With the Pareto chart and the defects percentages you’ll be able to have a “general view” of the most commonly generated wastes at the shop floor.

1- Group by Waste

2- Group by Product family

Interpreting the results

The Pareto chart refers to the principle that states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. The performance chart shows the total % of Defects and a table that also displays additional relevant information.

Below you can check the description for each one of them:

  • % of Defects: indicates the percentage of waste. This result considers ALL produced quantities (including OK and NOK) when changed the Waste Quantity Filters. The only thing that changes with these filters is the waste quantity. (formula=NOK quantity of filtered waste types / Total produced quantity (OK + NOK of all waste types)

  • Percentage: % of waste by product family/waste code.

  • Quality Index: evaluation of key factors which contribute to the makeup of “appropriate quality”. Formula = Controlled waste quantity / (total OK quantity + total NOK quantity) (Simplified : Waste quantity / Total controlled quantity)

You can also tap on “More info” and get detailed information of all wastes and their quantities in the product family, as you can see in the example below:

All this information can also be export a in PDF or EXCEL through the buttons:

If after reading this article you still have some doubts, feel free to reach out to us through our Live-chat feature, or directly to your CSM.

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