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How to use Sales Orders?

A Sales Order groups the products that your company will have to send to your clients, even if it evolves multiple Shippings.

Vânia Lourenço avatar
Written by Vânia Lourenço
Updated over 3 months ago

What is a Sales Order?

In Autodesk Fusion Operations, a Sales Order represents the products that your company will have to send to your clients. Before creating a Sales Order you need to have the Client and the Products created in Autodesk Fusion Operations (check out How to create a Product? and How to create a Client?).

How to create a Sales Order?

1. On the left bar select 'Sales Orders'.

2. On the Sales Orders menu, click on '+Add Sales Order'.

3. On the next screen start by filling the fields below:

Mandatory Fields:

  • Code: Reference that identifies the Sales Order.

  • Creation Date: Day and hour when the Sales Order was created. If you don't define a Creation Date, the current time and date will be used.

  • Product: code of the ordered product.

  • Quantity: amount of ordered products.

Optional Fields:

  • Client: Client Code. You can check this on the menu on the left, under the tab ‘Clients’.

  • Billing Address: Refers to the designated location associated with a payment method.

  • Observations (1) : Observations/notes to add to the the Sales Orders.

  • Due Date: the due date of the ‘Sales Order’ or the correspondent shipping.

  • Requested Date: the date requested by the client.

  • Delivery Address: the address in which the sales order will be delivered.

  • Unit Price: the product selling price.

  • Price: It is calculated automatically when the fields "Unit Price" and "Quantity" have a value.

  • Observations (2) : observations/notes to add to the products in the Shipping

How to create a Sales Order with multiple Shippings?

If you want to send the ordered products to your client in different dates you can arrange them in different Shippings since one Sales Order may contain more than one Shipping.
Each Shipping must have at least one Product. You can also create different Shipping just to better organize the ordered products. When creating a Sales Order, Autodesk Fusion Operations will automatically create the Shipping for you.

By clicking Add new Shipping you can create different Shipping inside a Sales Order. To add more products to a Shipping, click Add Product.

The previous screen shows the total ordered products so that you can easily confirm them.

How to create Production Orders from my Sales Orders?

Autodesk Fusion Operations allows you to seamlessly create production orders from your sales orders, saving your time and allowing you to keep a connection between both.

You can create a production order per sales order shipping, per product per sales order shipping, per product and for all products. You can learn more in this article.

How to notify Clients about their orders?

When a Sales Order or Shipping changes its status, Autodesk Fusion Operations automatically creates a notification. These notifications will appear on the Sales Order page. An example can be seen in the following images.

Although the notifications are automatically created they are not automatically sent to the client. You must send (or re-send) a notification so that your client receives an e-mail. The e-mail sent to your client will contain a link where they can check in real-time the status of the order. Click on See as client to see as they will see the notification.

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