The Traceability Reports Feature was built to enable you to easily trace relationships among raw materials, products and lots, as well as gaining full and detailed visibility over their processes.
Using Traceability Reports, you will be able to easily answer frequently asked questions, such as:
Which inventory movements were related to one specific lot?
Which raw materials were consumed in this specific lot?
Which products are related to this lot?
To which client was sent a specific lot?
In order to generate this report you must have the following setting activate on your account.
Generating the Report
1. In the Main Dashboard press 'Reports', in the left side menu, and click on 'Lot Traceability'.
2. Filter the product and/or lot which you want to trace - These are mandatory fields.
You can select between two options:
Drill Down - Products and lots consumed by the lot being filtered;
Drill Up - Products and lots which consumed the lot being filtered.
3. After selecting the desired options, click on 'Generate Report'.
The Traceability Report
Drill Down: Product's Consumptions
Header: The Traceability Report has a blue header identifying your Product, Lot Number and Current Stock:
Entries: You can visualize when there were inventory Entries Movements of the product and lot previously selected. Information regarding the receiving, purchase order and is also presented, if applicable.
Exits: You can visualize when there were inventory Exit Movements of the product and lot previously selected. Information regarding the shipping, sales order and client are also presented, if applicable:
Drill Up: What consumed this product:
On your left, it will show a product and/or lot tree, where you can select any lot or product at any moment by clicking on the name or code you want to visualize.
On your right, you will see the report for the product/lot that was selected on the left.
By navigating throughout the product tree, you can access all the information associated with each product/lot assigned to the product/lot previously filtered by you:
If the filtered product/lot has more than one BoM (Bill of Materials) level, you can generate the full report by clicking on "Show all BOM levels":
It's possible to Drill Up or Drill Down directly from the report, by clicking on the options below:
It's also possible to extract the report in .xlsx or .pdf.
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